Best-selling games 10/23

This is the list of the best-selling games and expansions in our e-shop for the month of October. Wholesale is not included.

1. Bílý hrad (The White Castle)
2. Sázky, prosím! (Ready Set Bet!)
3. Monumenty věků (World Wonders)
4. Na Prodej (For sale)
5. Ztracený ostrov Arnak: Po stopách expedice
6. Moje první dobrodružství: Objevení Atlantidy
7. Zaklínač: Starý svět (Deluxe edice)
8. Hrdinové hlubokého hvozdu (Explorers of the Woodlands)
9. Drakiáda: Čas letí (Kites)
10. Galaktické aliance (Age of Galaxy)


bily hrad mockup
€29,74 –9 %
Bílý hrad (The White Castle CZ)
In stock (>5 pcs)
Was: €29,74  (–9 %)
for sale box
€15,45 –10 %
Na Prodej
In stock (>5 pcs)
Was: €15,45  (–10 %)
atlant book
€17,03 –10 %
Was: €17,03  (–10 %)
mockup vzor
FREEFREE €41,65 –9 %
Monumenty věků (World wonders CZ)
In stock (>5 pcs)
Was: €41,65  (–9 %)
aog box@1,5x@1,5x
€24,98 –29 %
Galaktické aliance (Age of Galaxy CZ)
In stock (>5 pcs)
Was: €24,98  (–29 %)
mockup vzor
FREEFREE €37,68 –9 %
Sázky, prosím! (Ready set bet CZ)
In stock (>5 pcs)
Was: €37,68  (–9 %)
Zaklínač: Starý svět (Deluxe edice)
FREEFREE €158,78 –10 %
Was: €158,78  (–10 %)
ZoA Po stopach expedice krabice01
€27,75 –9 %
Ztracený ostrov Arnak: Po stopách expedice
Unknown Availability (Ordered)
Was: €27,75  (–9 %)
9 items total
bily hrad mockup
Our Product Showroom
€29,74 –9 %

The White Castle is a Euro type game with mechanics of resource management, worker placement and dice placement to carry out actions. During the game, over three rounds, players will send members of their clan to tend the gardens, defend the castle or progress up the social ladder of the nobility. At the end of the match, these will award players victory points in a variety of ways.

for sale box
Our Product Showroom
€15,45 –10 %
Na Prodej
In stock (>5 pcs)

What's your bid? Bid on promising property bundles, then sell properties for checks. 

atlant book
Our Product Showroom
€17,03 –10 %

My First Adventure is an interactive book that can be read with children as young as 4 years old or read on their own when they are ready. Throughout the story, your decisions will shape the progression of the adventure, for better or for worse!

mockup vzor big
Our Product Showroom
€32,92 –9 %

Hrdinové hlubokého hvozdu (Explorers of the Woodlands Czech edition) is a forest-themed cooperative dice game / dungeon crawler for 1 to 4 players. It combines all the best of tile placement, exploration, rolling dice and bashing monsters in a gorgeous setting, and comes with a fast paced classic game mode and a campaign mode.

mockup vzor
Our Product Showroom
FREEFREE €41,65 –9 %

Take on the role of the great leaders of the past to build your own Ancient City. Each player will use their Gold each round to build tiles that will increase their city's economy. A city that produces more food and generates commerce brings more population. Make your city grow!

aog box@1,5x@1,5x
Action Our Product Showroom
€24,98 –29 %

Galaktické aliance (Age of Galaxy Czech) is a strategic game in the line of Age of Civilization. This pocket-sized 4X game places you in control of an interstellar alliance consist of 3 factions with unique powers. You could explore systems, colonize planets, research technologies, build galactic cruisers, and much more.

mockup vzor
Our Product Showroom
FREEFREE €37,68 –9 %

In Sázky, prosím! (Ready Set Bet - Czech Edition), you and your friends head to the races for a day of cheering, jeering, and betting on your favorite horses, whose fates hang on every roll of the dice.

Zaklínač: Starý svět (Deluxe edice)
+ Free gift
FREEFREE €158,78 –10 %

Continent after the Conjunction of Spheres is no longer a safe place. Magic has come to this world, bringing with it bloodthirsty and terrifying creatures! Currently, five competing schools of magic are training their apprentices... Become a witcher - face dangerous beasts and tell your own story in the Old World! The Deluxe version includes an additional 28 monster miniatures

ZoA Po stopach expedice krabice01
€27,75 –9 %
Ztracený ostrov Arnak: Po stopách expedice
Unknown Availability (Ordered)

Follow a trail to learn the fate of Professor Kutil and other missing explorers in Lost Ruins of Arnak: The Missing Expedition.

Heureka Ověřeno zákazníky