
Warhammer - Turn Based War Strategy

Products across categories with Warhammer license. A wide range of sets and individual expansions, books and accessories - whether you're interested in the sci-fi offshoot Wahrammer 40,000 (WH40K) or the fantasy Age of Sigmar (AoS), we have it all. Figures, terrains, paints and other essential accessories for wargaming and skirmish games from Games Workshop. Kill team, Necrons, Combat Patrol... we have everything you need for an even better Warhammer experience.


Legendary board game Warhammer 40,000

Also known as Warhammer 40K, WH40K or W40K, Warhammer 40K is a miniatures wargame board game produced by Games Workshop. The game is set in a fictional science fiction universe. Players can individually build and paint miniature figures that represent soldiers, monsters, tanks and other combat units. These miniatures are grouped into armies that are then pitted against other players.

Each unit is assigned a certain number of points that determine the value of the piece. Players choose their pieces so that they have approximately the same number of units before battle. Players then choose a scenario, ranging from simple to larger encounters, or even battles involving many variable objectives.

Players physically move models around the battlefield (table) during the battle, with the distances between models playing an important role in the outcome of the battle. The game is turn-based, with partial results being evaluated using a table and dice rolls. A battle can last as little as half an hour, but also several days, and battles can be linked into a campaign. Some gaming and hobby shops hold entire tournaments; official tournaments are held regularly.

At irregular intervals, a new edition of Warhammer 40K will appear from time to time to modify existing rules or make new ones easier or more precise.

Warhammer 40,000: Elite Edition Starter Set: Everything you need for your first battle

The two-player Warhammer 40,000: Elite Edition Starter Set includes two basic armies, a game mat, game rules, a set of scenarios, dice, and other essential information you need to take your first steps in the world of Warhammer.

The set is in the original English, so it requires advanced language skills for at least one of the players. It is best played by 2 players aged 14 or older who already have a broad vocabulary.


63850 52170199001 wh40kpaintandtoolset07[1]
€36,09 –6 %
Warhammer 40.000: Paints + Tools Set new
In stock (1 pcs)
Was: €36,09  (–6 %)
99120199121 KTUpgradeEquipmentPack03
€34,90 –9 %
Kill Team: Equipment Pack
Unknown Availability (Ordered)
Was: €34,90  (–9 %)
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€34,90 –9 %
Was: €34,90  (–9 %)
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€140,52 –11 %
Astra Militarum: Baneblade
Unknown Availability (Ordered)
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Akční figurka - Black Legion Havocs Marine 02
€81,36 –37 %
Akční figurka - Black Legion Havocs Marine 02
Unknown Availability (Ordered)
Was: €81,36  (–37 %)
Knight Questoris (Warhammer 40000)
€144,49 –23 %
Knight Questoris (Warhammer 40000)
Unknown Availability (Ordered)
Was: €144,49  (–23 %)
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€36,09 –12 %
Grey Knights: Castellan Crowe (Warhammer 40000)
Unknown Availability (Ordered)
Was: €36,09  (–12 %)
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€47,21 –15 %
Warhammer 40000: Space Marines Bladeguard Veteran
Unknown Availability (Ordered)
Was: €47,21  (–15 %)
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Unknown Availability (Ordered)
650x650 329c2dca8325415eb17d3fa8e68cf18ec7226d32ccf0b026c6fc6132
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unnamed 69
23 65731431 ba44 49c0 87e7 295cfbe9bc3e 1024x1024
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