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In the picturesque countryside lies a village called Maple Valley. Its inhabitants, cute little forest animals, know that when winter asks what they have been doing all year, they must be ready. In this worker placement, you'll help them gather ingredients, cook treats, make toys, and sew clothes to create a cozy den.

Pirates of Maracaibo is a standalone game in the same franchise as 2019's Maracaibo, and players who are familiar with that game will recognize some beloved concepts from the original. However, new players can jump right in with no prior knowledge of the original game as Pirates of Maracaibo is an independent game with a more accessible rule set. The game plays over three...
![Katedrala 3D box[1]](
For more than a hundred years, the cruel raids of the Tatars on the territory of Moscow lasted. After their defeat at Kazan, Tsar Ivan the Terrible had a monumental cathedral built in honor of his triumph, which would later be known as the Cathedral of Vasily the Blessed. In the eurogame Cathedral, you will become one of the architects of this impressive sanctuary. You will try to acquire...

In the picturesque countryside lies a village called Maple Valley. Its inhabitants, cute little forest animals, know that when winter asks what they have been doing all year, they must be ready. In this worker placement, you'll help them gather ingredients, cook treats, make toys, and sew clothes to create a cozy den.

V srdci Afriky leží pozůstatky Kitarské říše. Kdo ji vzkřísí z popela? V roli vůdce malého království budete dobývat nová území, verbovat válečníky, s šamany prozkoumávat tajuplné čwezijské rozvaliny a posílat šampiony jedoucí na obřích zvířatech do slavných bitev.

Daleko za horami je stále bohatá půda, která není doposud prozkoumána. Tato oblast přetékající bohatstvím je ideálním místem pro vybudování města vašich snů. Budete muset nashromáždit zdroje, abyste mohli postavit svou první budovu... Pak další, a ještě další… Vše, co má mít nádherné město! Který architekt bude nejtalentovanější a nejvíce ambiciózní?