TOP hry od TLAMA games

Based on the universe of the Northgard video game, Northgard: Země nepoznané (Uncharted Lands) is a game of conquest and exploration set in the age of vikings. Each player controls a Viking clan, looking to achieve victory by reaping glory in various ways or controlling the most prized territories of this new continent. This set contains both expansion Divočina (Wilderness) and Náčelníci...

Intensive thematic game with simple rules on the border of 4x and deckbuilding based on a successful video game!

Cestovatelé Jižního Tigridu (Wayfarers of the South Tigris Czech) is set during the height of the Abbasid Caliphate, circa 820 AD. As brave explorers, cartographers and astronomers, players set off from Baghdad to map the surrounding land, waterways, and heavens above. Players must carefully manage their caravan of workers and equipment, while reporting back regularly to journal their...

La Granja: Deluxe Master Set is an upgraded and expanded version of the 2014 game La Granja in which 1–4 players manage small farms by the Alpich pond near the village of Esporles on Majorca.

Radlands: Gangs of the Wasteland is a brutal two-player card game about finding and exploiting the harsh synergies between cards to take your opponent out of the game.Use people and events to defend your tribe's camps from the brutal attacks of fierce enemies. Be transported to a relentless post-apocalyptic world and fight for the last drops of water!

Travel back to 10,000 BC and take the lead of the nomadic tribes that shaped American history. From hunters and gatherers to thriving tribal communities. During your travels, you'll settle new territories, explore new discoveries, hunt game, and build megalithic structures that will last the ages.

Osmnácté století je časem velkých vědeckých objevů; také časem bádání v záhadných a dosud neprozkoumaných oblastech. Konkurence v akademickém světe je nelítostná... především pro učence jako jste vy. Chcete-li kráčet ve šlépějích slavného Isaaca Newtona, musíte se plně oddat výzkumu a snaze prohloubit své znalosti. Jedině tak se nakonec můžete stát nejrespektovanějšími učenci své doby.

Shamans fight to save the delicate balance between worlds that is threatened by the dark forces of the Shadows. It's up to you to detect the traitors in time. Impressively crafted, Shamans is a fusion of a stitched-together card game with a game full of intrigue and secret identities.

Seventeenth century. Tsarist Russia begins to expand eastwards to take over the territory of frosty Siberia. This chapter of history is closely associated with the name "Stroganov". In the game Stroganov, players try to collect the best quality furs, gain wealth and fame during every year's journey across the vast Siberia. During Spring, Summer and Autumn, you will wander through distant lands...

Nidavellir, the Dwarf Kingdom, is threatened by the dragon Fafnir. As a venerable Elvaland, you have been appointed by the King. Search through every tavern in the kingdom, hire the most skillful dwarves, recruit the most prestigious heroes and build the bravest battalion that will help you to defeat the agelong enemy of the dawrves!

Brass: Birmingham is a strategic economic game set in Industrial Revolution England. In this game you have several choices: build textile factories, coal mines or steel mills. In Brass: Birmingham you can even trade beer! In the game you also have to manage transport. Making money is a big part of the game. You are rewarded for these things and the player with the highest score wins the whole...

We send the original English version abroad. NOVÝ ÚSVIT GALAXIE V celé galaxii už mnoho let vládne mír. Po skončení nemilosrdné Terransko-Hegemonické války(30.027 – 33.364) vynaložily galaktické velmoci obrovské úsilí a prostředky, aby se takto hrůzné události už nikdy neopakovaly. Vznikla Galaktická rada, která má za cíl udržet kýžený mír, a za dobu její existence podnikli členové rady mnoho...

Elektrická vozidla jsou od roku 2014 stále častějším středem zájmu automobilového průmyslu. Vlastně představují mnohem lepší vozy, než jaké vznikaly doposud, díky své efektivnosti, jednoduchosti údržby, nulovým emisím a nižším nákladům na provoz. Navíc jsou to vozy schopné použít moderní technologie a umělou inteligenci, která může do budoucna zvýšit bezpečnost na silnicích či dokonce zcela...